2016 lavender season is on !

Every year the distillation of lavender season starts in July.

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In may, flowers have appeared in fields, giving to Drôme Provençale summer colors.

Heat arrives at the end of June and plants need to protect themselves from the sun. They produce essential oil, which give then protection against insects and strong sunlight.

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The harvest in Drôme Provençale arrive earlier than in the Valensole’s area because of the higher altitude than the one of Drôme Provençale.

IMG_0805 - copieThe Distillerie Duffez is in full activity during the two summer months!

Unlike others distilleries, the activity never stop in our distillery. Others distilleries stop their activity at the end of summer.

Indeed, in the autumn we will begin distillation Cade Organic, and after, the Cypress Provence during the winter.

The Distillerie Duffez don’t stop to produce essentials oils to guarantee a high quality, for the requirements of our customers, laboratory, perfumers…
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